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Duck Dog Basics
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Duck Dog Basics - Image 2 of 0
Duck Dog Basics - Image 1 of 0
Duck Dog Basics - Image 2 of 0

Duck Dog Basics 2

Product Code: DDB2
In stock
With Duck Dog Basics 2, Chris takes you through proper e-collar usage while teaching the drills and aspects of basic handling, water honesty and how to positively take your retriever through to the next level.


  1. Preparation for the Advanced Duck Dog
    1. Terms of the Game
    2. Akins Answers - Tools Needed
    3. Fun Drills
    4. Training grounds
    5. Akins Answers - 3-Handed Cast
    6. Intro to Back Cast and Over Cast
  2. Building and Developing the Land T
    1. Preparation for the Land-T
      1. E-collar Prep
      2. Force to a Pile & Center Line
    2. Stop en Route
    3. Mini T
    4. Akins Answers - Land T
    5. Land T
  3. Building and Developing the Water T
    1. Akins Answers - What is "De-Cheat"?
    2. "De-Cheat" - Phase One of "De-Cheat"
      1. Akins Answers - Phase Two of "De-Cheat"
      2. Phase Two of "De-Cheat"
    3. Water Force
    4. Water T
    5. Akins Answers - 5-Point Drill
    6. In Close


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